Wednesday, March 12, 2014

7 Countries' Surprising Top Exports

When you think of Italy's top exports, you probably consider products like pasta, olive oil, wine, olives, and Parmesan cheese. You might not think of kiwis. Isn't New Zealand the world largest kiwi exporter? ? No, actually they don't. Italy is the largest exporter of kiwifruit globally Italy exporting almost 410 million tons of kiwis each year, surpassing New Zealand's total kiwi exports annually of about 360 million tons.

That's just one example of what many of us naturally think of when we think of a country's largest food export. Other examples include chocolates from Belgium, Chinese silks and Irish ale, but many countries export other products that might surprise you.

Canadian Feta
Greece is a worldwide leader in exporting feta cheese, but in recent years, the traditional Greek cheese has been imported widely from North America - Canada, in particular. But Canadians with their vast farmland, have the resources to export tons of feta cheese each year. Frequently less expensive than feta exported from Greece, the popularity of Canadian feta cheese has increased in recent years. 

Japanese Whiskey
Many people feel that Scotland leads the world in whiskey production. The Japanese have received great acclaim recently for their ever expanding range of single malt whiskies. Over the past decade, Japanese whiskeys have competed alongside Scottish whiskeys in numerous blind tastings, and often scored higher than the Scottish whiskeys.It is slowly starting to appear in better bars and restaurants throughout the United State.

American Ginseng
Many people consider China has the market cornered on ginseng, mainly because it is an herb commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. What many people don't know, however, is that the United States is a major exporter of ginseng, shipping out over 60 tons annually. Most American ginseng is grown in Wisconsin. Hong Kong and China are the largest importers of U.S.-grown ginseng roots. 

Ethiopian Bamboo
To many, bamboo is frequently associated with giant pandas in Asia. Bamboo exports are dominated by China, However, Africa has a wealth of bamboo resources, comprising an estimated 7% of the world stock. Approximately 2/3 of this stock is located in Ethiopia, home to 1 million ha of bamboo. The country exports bamboo primarily for building and home products, such as bamboo flooring.

French Collectibles

What are the main French exports? Many people would answer: fine wine and cheeses. Did you know that art, antiques, and stamps are also some of France's biggest exports to the United States? The United States spend over $2 billion each year on collectible French goods. 

Denmark Christmas Trees
In addition to exporting windmills, Denmark is recognized as the largest exporter of bushes in Europe. The country exports six to seven million Christmas trees each year.

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