Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Main Exports of Each US State (part 1)

The US state Texas is known for exporting oil, Main is famous for exporting lobsters, but what are the major exports of other 48 states?

According to the US Census Bureau, the main exported commodities from each state are:

1. Alabama - vehicle parts
2. Alaska - zinc
3. Arizona - airplane parts
4. Arkansas - airplane parts
5. California - airplane parts (it is also known for almond export)
6. Colorado - beef
7. Connecticut - airplane parts
8. Delaware - medicines
9. District of Columbia - radar apparatus
10. Florida - gold
11. Georgia - airplane parts (it is also known for chicken export)
12. Hawaii - airplane parts (also known for papaya export)
13. Idaho - memory chips
14. Illinois - petroleum
15. Indiana - medicines
16. Iowa - tractors
17. Kansas - airplane parts
18. Kentucky - airplane parts
19. Louisiana - petroleum
20. Maine - lobsters
21. Maryland - transportation equipment
22. Massachusetts - gold
23. Michigan - transportation equipment
24. Minnesota - medical equipment
25. Mississippi - petroleum

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