Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Meeting Etiquette While Doing Business in Belgium

If you intend to do business in a foreign country you should be informed about the basic business and cultural rules, which may be different from those that exist in your country. In this article you will find the general rules regarding the business etiquette in Belgium. 

When doing business in Belgium it is advisable to arrive on time. Punctuality is important, but if you really cannot avoid arriving late, it would be good to prevent your partners.
Regarding social events, you can arrive 5-10 minutes after the time indicated on the invitation.

Business meetings
When you plan a meeting with a Belgian partner you should make an appointment several days in advance. Also, if you plan to present a specific product or discuss a business proposition, it is necessary to offer some background details in advance.
Meeting tips:
- The best time for a business meeting in Belgium is around 10 am.
- You can tart by shaking hands and greetings.
- You can start the business meeting with an informal conversation, but it should be short.
- Bring enough business cards and materials about your company.
- Provide the participants with background material to at the beginning of the meeting.

Communicating with Belgians
- Don't forget about the linguistic distinctions: use the language of the region or English for business.
- Start the meting with a small talk if you are dealing with francophone Walloons, and go immediately to the concerns is your partners are Flemish.
- Use titles or honorifics plus last name when addressing both Flemish and Walloons.
- Belgians are reserved about their private life and respect privacy.

Actions to avoid:
- addressing people by their first name
- talking with your hands in your pockets
- making excessive gestures
- pointing with the index finger
- chewing gum
- asking personal questions

Discussion topics to avoid:
- political topics
- community issues
- religion
- minorities

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